BRG launches major new brand in London’s West End

(l-r) Sowing their wild berries: Spencer Berry, BRG business development director, Michelle Stewart BRG director and Chris Chown managing director of BRG.

One of the country’s fastest growing recruitment businesses has launched a major new brand in London – called Wild Berry Associates.

Berry Recruitment Group (BRG) has pulled together all its central London assets into one hub that will focus on the burgeoning commercial sector.

The company, which has 34 branches across England and Wales and turnover in excess of £60m, has invested in sparkling new offices in Tottenham Court Road.

Having purchased several high quality London agencies in recent years it has brought them together in a strategic fashion to maximise their impact on a growing market.

The Wild Berry name is taken from the group’s two brands; Berry Recruitment and Wild Recruitment.

It will focus on recruiting in the office and professional, sales and customer service and finance and accountancy sectors.

With almost 20 experienced consultants overseen by BRG director Michelle Stewart, it aims to develop further with continued support and backing from the group.

BRG’s chairman is Tony Berry, an industry veteran and former head of recruitment giants Blue Arrow and Manpower.

He identified a strong London presence as a necessity for a company with real ambition.

BRG managing director Chris Chown, said: “Over the last two years we have purchased three highly successful London agencies.

“We targeted them because of the sectors they operated in, their excellent reputation and the quality and experience of the staff.

“Bringing them together was always the aim and now we have achieved that and have created an agency with a fresh and innovative approach.

“Like many businesses, technology in recruitment changes the way things are done and we have invested heavily in a website that is fully responsive and user friendly.

“Existing clients will be dealing with the same people so the service they have become used to won’t change, and new clients will enjoy a highly professional and motivated team.

“It is an exciting future for BRG as we develop our presence in London, and we anticipate strong growth.”


Notes to journalists:

Berry Recruitment is a specialist recruitment group operating in the private and public sectors from 34 locations across the UK.

Employing more than 200 people, Berry is on track to achieve over £60m turnover when figures are released for 2016.

There are eight specialist Berry divisions covering office and finance, technical and IT, industrial, driving, rail, construction, care and catering and hospitality.

With its head office in St Albans, Hertfordshire, Berry was formed by recruitment industry experts including Tony Berry, former head of Blue Arrow and Manpower, and Ian Langley, Chairman of infrastructure recruitment specialist, Airswift Holdings.

Berry’s strapline is ‘combining talent with opportunity’.

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