DWP Housing Partnership has opened its new block on Christchurch Rd. MP Tobias Ellwood (with key), Steve Wells (centre) of DWP, Cllr Bob Lawton (next to Steve), plus representatives of Glossbrook Builders, other dignitaries and tenants attended the opening.
An entire street block in Boscombe that was torn down and rebuilt has been officially opened.
The vast new building on Christchurch Road contains 51 flats for the over-50s and seven shops.
DWP Housing Partnership – Dorset’s biggest private landlord – invested £4.5m in the scheme that took 24 months to complete.
At the opening was MP Tobias Ellwood, Cllr Bob Lawton, as well as representatives from Glossbrook Builders.
Almost all the flats have been let and occupying the commercial units will be Coffee and Dice café, a chiropractor, barbers, hair and beauty salon and a martial arts shop.
The site is at 752-778 Christchurch Road and Steve Wells, who heads DWP Housing Partnership, said: “We had owned this block for some years.
“It had been developed in an ad hoc way, which meant there was a poor use of space.
“We wanted to start again and so we applied for permission to demolish and rebuild, and our plans were approved.
“We know there is an acute need for flats to rent in Bournemouth, especially with the over-50s, so these are reserved for that age group.
“It is a four storey building and looks so much better than what was there before. The accommodation is also greatly improved with large, modern flats.
“There is also a large building at the rear for locking up bicycles and the location is good because most amenities are within walking distance.
“Glossbrook Builders have built the block with minimal impact on the traffic and the need for the flats is proved by how quickly they’ve been taken.”
Tobias Ellwood said: “I’m delighted to see this mixed retail and residential accommodation of a high standard going up in Boscombe.
“It’s an indication of what the area is and what it can do. It has generous pavement space for buggies and pedestrian movement.
“Hopefully it will encourage further wise development and commercial activity.”
Cllr Bob Lawton, portfolio holder for housing, said: “This is an exciting development with quality housing for Boscombe which will enhance and build upon our regeneration hopes.”
Notes for Editors:
DWP Housing Partnership was established as Dave Wells Properties in 1985. The company, which has its headquarters in St Clement’s Road, Boscombe, owns properties across Dorset and Hampshire and houses over 3,000 tenants.
The business currently has other new developments under construction in the Bournemouth and Poole area and plans for several more in the future.
Steve Wells sits on a number of national panels, advising on the best ways to regenerate run-down areas and working to make sure Bournemouth remains a great place to live and work. He’s also a member of the National Landlords Association (NLA) and the British property Federation (BPF).
For more information contact Ed Baker, account director at Deep South Media, on 01202 534487 or 07788392965.