An entrepreneur from Leicester has launched a new business which is taking advantage of the increasing levels of renting.
Kirsty Samson has taken the growing national brand VeriSmart Inventories to the city and is covering the entire county.
VeriSmart compiles inventories for landlords and letting agents using a copyrighted, paper-free system that utilises voice recognition technology.
Kirsty previously worked as a national account manager in the pet care industry, but property has always been her passion.
The VeriSmart system allows inventories to be created at speed, saving agents time and helping keep tenants safe.
Kirsty said: “My skills are in providing a fantastic service and building relationships and because I have a passion for property and am a qualified mortgage adviser this opportunity was ideal.
“I have received comprehensive training in the VeriSmart system and in the legal aspects of the sector, which is very important.
“VeriSmart is a market leader and the inventories are usually compiled in 24 hours and they are verified online by the tenant and the agent.
“With renting on the rise in Leicestershire there is a growing demand for these services.
“I also provide carbon monoxide and smoke alarm testing using synthetic gases, so the sensor not just the battery is checked, as well as legionella testing.
“Launching a business is a challenge but I’m confident in the system and believe that once agents experience the ease of the process and understand the time and money they can save, they will be converted.
“With three universities and two hospitals in Leicestershire there is a large number of rental properties and demand is high.”
House prices in Leicestershire are now eight times the average salary, according to a Home Truths 2016/17 report from the National Housing Federation.
The cost of a typical Leicestershire home was almost £216,000 last year, and with the young less able to afford deposits the number renting their homes is increasing.
Notes to editors:
VeriSmart Inventories was re-branded in 2015 after developing its unique smart verification software that allows for the paper-free inventories to be compiled with speed and accuracy. The company was launched 25 years ago in the Bournemouth and Poole conurbation in Dorset, where it is still headquartered. The new technology allowed the business to adopt a franchise model. Some of its licensees make a substantial six figure income. It operates across England and now Wales.
For more information contact Ed Baker at Deep South Media on 01202 554601 or 07788392965