Avonbourne Trust celebrates great GCSE results

Avonbourne and Harewood colleges receive their GCSE results. Head boy Fred Primmer gives head girl Amelia Goodey a lift.

Students at Avonbourne and Harewood colleges receive their GCSE results. Head boy Fred Primmer gives head girl Amelia Goodey a lift.

Avonbourne Trust is celebrating an excellent set of GCSE results.

At Avonbourne College there was a rise in the number of students achieving top grades, with a high proportion passing both English and maths.

In English 83% passed and in maths it was 62% – with altogether 60% passing both key subjects.

Avonbourne also saw 55% achieve at least two science GCSEs.

The college saw the number of students achieving the sought after English Baccalaureate rise from 24% to 31%, a record number for Avonbourne.

Among the high flyers were Head Girl Amelia Goodey and Sophie Griffiths who both achieved the magic 9 grade. This new grade is even higher than the old A* and only the top 5% across the country are expected to be awarded it.

Amelia scored her grade 9 in dance and she also achieved grade 8s in English language and literature, geography, religious studies and science.

Sophie’s 9 was in history and she also scored grade 8s in art, English language and literature, religious studies and science.

Both girls achieved 100% 9 to 5 grades in all their subjects.

Another success story was Lacey Pottle, who in the summer gave up her free time to attend and help at a debating event at Felsted School.

She scored 100% 9 to 5 grades with three 9s in literature, history and religious studies, an 8 in English, and two 7s and a 6 in the three sciences,

In addition she achieved a grade A in Law and ICT.

Students at Avonbourne and Harewood colleges receive their GCSE results.

Students at Avonbourne and Harewood colleges receive their GCSE results.

Principal Jason Holbrook, said: “We are delighted with these sets of results in what has been a period of considerable change in education with the introduction of these new-style, more rigorous GCSEs.

“Early indications are that the Progress 8 measure is positive for Avonbourne, showing our students performed better than similar schools nationally.

“This is testament to the hard work of all the students and the staff.”

Fellow Avonbourne Trust academy, Harewood College, saw some great results.

Among its high flyers were head boy Fred Primmer who scored the top grade 9 in maths.

In addition he scored grade 8s in literature, physics and chemistry and achieved 100% 9 to 5 grades.

Away from his studies Fred is also a keen musician and often seen leading his band ‘Various Artists’ in performances throughout his time at Harewood College. He is also an active member of the student council.

Another high flyer from Harewood is a fellow performer, Reuben Tyler-Wilkinson.

Reuben, who has recently gained a place at the National Youth Theatre, achieved 100% 9-5 grades, including a grade 7 in history and 6s in literature, language and geography.

The talented actor and singer combined studying for his GCSEs with starring in Avonbourne Trust’s production of Sweeney Todd.

Students at Avonbourne and Harewood colleges receive their GCSE results. Harewood head boy Fred Primmer with Reuben Tyler-Wilkington.

Students at Avonbourne and Harewood colleges receive their GCSE results. Harewood head boy Fred Primmer with Reuben Tyler-Wilkington.

Vice Principal of Harewood College, Deneen Kenchington, said: “Our staff and students have demonstrated Harewood’s Olympic values of determination and excellence throughout the academic year and this has been reflected in their results.”

Paying tribute to staff and students at both Avonbourne and Harewood colleges,

Avonbourne Trust CEO Debbie Godfrey-Phaure, added: “Our staff and students have risen to the challenge of tackling these new, tougher GCSEs and I am incredibly proud of them all.

“We look forward to welcoming many of them back to our sixth form and I wish every one of them the very best for the next steps in their education or training.”

Students at Avonbourne and Harewood colleges receive their GCSE results. Identical twins Beth and Judie Mayne scored four nines  between them.

Students at Avonbourne and Harewood colleges receive their GCSE results. Identical twins Beth and Judie Mayne scored four nines between them.

Note to editors: For more information please contact Rachel Read, account director at Deep South Media, on 01202 534487.