Sock success: James Robinson, Partner, with members of the PKF Francis Clark team in Poole who donned odd socks for World Down Syndrome Day.
Staff at a Dorset accountancy firm put their best foot forward to mark World Down Syndrome Day.
Thirty members of the PKF Francis Clark team in Poole donned odd socks as part of the global awareness day.
Down syndrome is a genetic condition, caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21 in the cells in someone’s body.
For every 1,000 babies born, one will have Down syndrome with about 750 born in the UK with the condition each year.
Wearing odd socks on World Down Syndrome Day aims to get people talking about Down syndrome as well as raise much needed cash.
James Robinson, Partner at PKF Francis Clark’s Poole office who donned a natty pair of socks for the day, said: “We bought 30 pairs of brightly coloured unique socks from the national association with our team invited to make a donation of at least £2.50 to the local charity.
“The day ties in very nicely with a walking football contest in May, organised by PKF Francis Clark in conjunction with NatWest, which will raise money for the Longfleet Youth DS Active Football Club in Poole.
“As always our team rose to the occasion by not just wearing a selection of colourful socks but also having a lot of fun and raising money for this great cause.”
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About PKF Francis Clark
Chartered accountants and business advisers PKF Francis Clark has annual revenue of £38 million, a team of more than 600 people and 60 partners. Founded in 1919, the award-winning firm has eight offices across Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Hampshire, Somerset and Wiltshire. PKF Francis Clark is a member of PKF UKI which is ranked 11th in the Accountancy Age 2016 survey of top accountancy firms.
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