Captain’s Day success at Parley

Captain’s Day winners at Parley Golf Centre (l-r) Michelle Keogh, Simon Hentrich, Dennis Wilkinson with skipper Tony Pomeroy.

The Captain’s Day at Parley Golf Centre proved a huge hit – with dozens of members driving up the fairways on the new course.

After the £250,000 investment in the course and practice facilities it was the first chance for members to go head-to-head.

Tony Pomeroy – captain this year – organised the Stableford competition which was won by the team of Michelle Keogh, Simon Hentrich and Dennis Wilkinson.

Alex Glew and Belinda Queirolo both excelled on the fairways and won the longest drive competitions.

And Dave Wilson and Michelle Sharp picked up the ‘nearest the pin’ titles for 2017.

The players afterwards made use of the café-bar where the trophies were presented.

Daryl Dampney, manager of the centre, said: “It was a great day with good weather and was enormous fun.

“The new course is bedding down nicely and the members really enjoyed the competition and playing against each other.

“All the competitions are played in an excellent spirit and everybody is already looking forward to next year.

“Anyone can turn up and use the course, range and practice facilities which are already extremely popular.”




Notes to editors:


Parley Golf Centre in Dorset is set within a beautiful 800 acre farming estate next to the River Stour close to Bournemouth Airport.

It is home to the 17th century Parley Manor and to Parley Equestrian Centre. Wildlife includes roe deer, badgers, foxes and a pair of rare Grey Partridges. And you are likely to see a family of alpacas roaming around too!

Parley Golf Centre opened in 1991 as a six-hole course, but quickly expanded to nine holes and a 27-bay, floodlit driving range was added.

The has being transformed into a centre of excellence and has doubled its footprint.

The nine-hole course has been rebuilt with carefully configured tees allowing for a round of 18 with a total distance of 5,111 yards.

There is a huge short-game practice area, bunker practice facility as well as a state-of-the-art indoor coaching centre.

Also available several ‘academy’ holes from 50 – 100 yards. The café-bar remains a popular venue for golfers and non-golfers alike.

Head greenkeeper Ian Noble is assisted by Mark Gregory and John Morey.

Resident professionals include Chris Brook, Marcus Urbye, Andrew Pakes and Peter Thompson.




For more information contact Ed Baker at Deep South Media on 01202 534487 or 07788392965