Bournemouth Chamber has new patron

Bill Perkins, Bournemouth Chamber President, and Ron Wain, Managing Director of Deep South Media

UK press office specialist Deep South Media has become a patron of Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce.

The consultancy is staffed by former news journalists and offers ride-ranging PR services as well as photography, video, design and content creation.

In its 25th year, the firm is also media partner to Dorset Chamber and is looking forward to working with the town’s Chamber.

Bournemouth’s largest business sector is professional and business services – and tourism, hospitality and financial services are also important.

There is also a burgeoning digital sector that attracts many young workers because of the location.

Bournemouth Chamber is more than 100 years old and is attracting new members who are bringing a fresh energy.

Ron Wain, managing director of Deep South Media, said: “Our long-standing relationship with Dorset Chamber has generated great ROI.

“And with Bournemouth Chamber attracting new members we hope that it too will lead to new business.

“Already we are working with one if its patrons and hope to create new relationships.

“We were formed in the town and have always had Bournemouth clients, and while we now serve much of the south and UK, this is very much home turf.

“There is vast potential for the town in many areas and we fully intend to play our part as we have done for a quarter of a century.”

Bill Perkins, President of the Chamber, said: “Deep South Media is a well respected business in the town and brings vast experience and expertise.

“As a town we are still recovering from the pandemic and associated lockdowns, but there is a great energy about the place.

“As a Chamber we are determined to promote the town and oil the wheels of business to create new wealth for the benefit of the town and wider conurbation.

“All new members are welcome of any size – we cater from sole proprietors through to major institutions and organisations.

“We organise networking opportunities and business breakfasts, offer business support, information, training and development, and there are numerous other benefits of being a member.”



For more information contact Ed Baker at Deep South Media on 07788392965 or