RALLY CRY: From left: Angela Piromalli, chair of the Dorset branch of the IoD; DCCI chief executive Ian Girling; and Neil Eames, FSB development manager for Dorset
Dorset’s leading business groups have launched a new initiative to represent the views of more than 5,000 members countywide.
Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI), the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and the Institute of Directors (IoD) have joined forces to form the Dorset Business Alliance.
The aim is to give a collective voice to members – particularly as a single point of contact between the county’s business community and the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
Each organisation retains its own identity and independence under the alliance but will meet the LEP quarterly and with other organisations when appropriate.
DCCI chief executive Ian Girling said: “This new business alliance represents the whole business community from micro businesses to large corporates.
“It will be a useful platform to come together on issues of mutual interest. At its heart is a shared purpose to represent the voice and views of businesses, particularly allowing us to engage directly as a link with the LEP on behalf of the business community.”
Rally cry for business
DCCI represents its members and its eight affiliated chambers countywide in the alliance.
The FSB acts on behalf of micro and small businesses, while the IoD is the voice of directors from start-up entrepreneurs to blue chip board members.
Neil Eames, FSB development manager for Dorset, said: “Although we are unique business organisations, periodically coming together in this way to ensure a voice for local businesses, particularly aimed at the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership, can only be a positive step.
“It is important to strengthen the collective voice of companies throughout Dorset and we are committed to working together to ensure that businesses have an input into the local economic agenda.”
Angela Piromalli, chair of the Dorset branch of the IoD, added: “This new partnership creates a strong platform to allow us to support the LEP in developing its engagement with the business community in addressing the key economic priorities across the county.
“There is great interest from our organisations to engage with each other as well as the LEP on behalf of the wider good of the business community.”
The LEP aims to drive economic growth in Dorset. It bids for, implements and invests government funding in different sectors in Dorset, enabling further investment and development from the private sector.
Rob Dunford, interim director at Dorset LEP, said: Rob Dunford, interim director at Dorset LEP, said: ““It is hugely important for the Dorset LEP to be able to engage proactively and productively with the whole business community.
“We need to be able to share ideas and opportunities quickly and effectively with business and, more importantly, be able to receive their invaluable input.
“The creation of the Dorset Business Alliance brings together three extremely valuable partners representing the broad spectrum of Dorset businesses and we are very much looking forward to working closely with them on delivering economic growth across Dorset.”
Together the Dorset Business Alliance represents more than 5,000 businesses employing nearly 50,000 people.
DCCI is acting as the secretariat for the alliance and will arrange quarterly updates with the LEP on behalf of the alliance.
PICTURE: ALLIANCE – From left: IoD Dorset chairman Angela Piromalli, DCCI chief executive Ian Girling and FSB development manager for Dorset Neil Eames