DWP Housing Partnership is the latest local firm to become a ‘Secret Santa’ for families facing cancer this Christmas.
Dorset’s biggest private landlord, based in Boscombe, has donated £250 to Dorset Cancer Care Foundation’s (DCCF), Secret Santa appeal.
The appeal, which launched this month (December), asked for donations to enable local families facing cancer to buy festive food and gifts. Over £1000 has been given.
DWP Managing Director Steve Wells, said: “We first became aware of the work of DCCF this year and have been very impressed by the support this small, local charity gives to Dorset families which are suffering financial difficulties because of cancer.
“We feel proud to donate to the Secret Santa fund and hope our gift will bring some relief to a local family over the festive period.”
Pam Jeffries, one of the founders of DCCF, said: “We have been bowled over by the generosity of DWP Housing Partnership in this, our first Secret Santa campaign.
“We have also received donations from the Marsham Court Hotel, Colten Care, Coleman Insurance Brokers and TeamJobs, as well as many donations from individuals, all anxious to do what they can to help local families in need.”
She added: “The £1000 has been used to buy supermarket vouchers which will be shared equally between four local families and will ensure each has some much-needed treats this Christmas.”
Picture caption: Steve Wells, MD of DWP Housing Partnership presents Pam Jeffries of Dorset Cancer Care Foundation with a donation for the charity’s Secret Santa appeal.
DCCF was formed in 2012 in Poole by Eve Went, Pam Jeffries and Leslie-May Harrison. The charity organises events and raises money to fund grants to pay for Dorset cancer patients’ household bills, childcare costs, transport costs and much needed short breaks.
To get involved in the work of DCCF in 2018 visit: www.dccf.co.uk
DWP Housing Partnership has around 3,000 tenants in the Bournemouth-Poole conurbation.
DWP also rents commercial units and continues to build new properties and refurbish existing ones to help meet the increasing demand for affordable homes.
Media information from Debbie Granville at Deep South Media at Debbie.granville@deepsouthmedia.co.uk