Training specialist looks to employability

NEW COURSES: Christine Baxter, founder of Gold Edge Training, has launched new distance learning programmes aimed at increasing short term employability for students
Gold Edge Training founder Christine Baxter and her team at their offices in Fareham, Hampshire.

A Hampshire training provider has established a new programme to improve students’ employability in the short and long term.

Distance learning specialist Gold Edge Training is for the first time offering short and long term education within the same course.

The Fareham-based organisation’s Next Generation programme is set to revolutionise the way distance learning style courses are provided.

Christine Baxter, founder of Gold Edge Training, said: “The aim of Next Generation is to look toward improving employability as students study.

“Gold Edge students already stand out with employers because of our high pass rates and Next Generation builds on that by improving employability in the short and long term.

“Employers these days want to see long-term professional development such as the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) qualifications undertaken.

“But they also demand short-term professional development that improves the student’s overall skills set making them a more rounded person.”

Christine added: “For the first time a training provider, Gold Edge Training, is offering students short and long term education within the same programme with the aim that our students stand out further for employability.”

She said that although studying for professional qualifications could take a number of years, adding in valuable and relatable short-term education within programmes speeded the process of CV building.

Christine, whose background is in industry, further education management and accountancy lecturing, said: “That CV very quickly becomes populated with many short term gains – creating a big employment tick for employers.

“Although in the early years it may be hard to gain that first step on the career ladder, with the right approach to education and CV building it is possible to hasten progress to employability.”

Gold Edge has just launched its Optimum 1, 2 and 3 courses which were built following student feedback, including interest-free payments which have widened participation through increased affordability.

Also new are completely separate manual-based  and online-only distance learning programmes, allowing students to pick the package most suited to them, with a resultant 30 per cent reduction in most fees.

Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that there were a record 1,247,000 job vacancies in October to December 2021, increasing by 127,800 (11.4 per cent) on the previous quarter.

Christine’s award-nominated Gold Edge Training, founded in 2012, offers more than 900 courses. Its students equal the highest industry-standard Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) distance learning pass rates in the UK.






Notes to reporters:


Gold Edge Training Ltd Ground Floor, Unit 5 Fulcrum 2, Solent Way, Whiteley, Fareham. Hampshire. PO15 5FN, UK

Head Teacher Christine Baxter

T:          02394 00 3559







Gold Edge Training was founded in 2012 by Christine Baxter, following a successful career in industry and later in further education management and accountancy lecturing where she pioneered distance learning as a more user-friendly and successful form of adult education.

Gold Edge Training is constantly recognised in awards for excellence and year-on-year its students equal the highest AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) distance learning pass rates in the UK.

The technologically advanced programmes Gold Edge Training offer are second to none, and the belief that distance learning is the best education for adults remains the mantra that drives Gold Edge Training forward.




For more information contact:


Cliff Moore


T: 07469158458
