Clive Emson Auctioneers rings in new year with 142 lots 

CART BEFORE THE DONKEY: Dating back to 1534, the turbulent year King Henry VIII broke with Rome as he sought to annual his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so he could wed Anne Boleyn, this landmark timber-framed commercial premises in Petersfield, Hampshire, generates £107,500 rental per annum and is guided at £900,000 – £950,000. Called The Donkey Cart, it is among 142 lots listed across southern England in the first of eight auctions in 2023 by Clive Emson Auctioneers, regional land and property auctioneers. At the upper end of the guide price, based on the current income, the gross yield on The Donkey Cart is an inflation-beating 11.3% (lot 57).

Land and property investors in southern England can choose from 142 lots in the first of eight auctions this year by Clive Emson Auctioneers.

The catalogue includes 61 vacant properties, 30 rental ones and 27 commercial buildings, with guide prices from £500-plus to £1m-plus.

James Emson, Managing Director, said: “In our 34th year, we continue to provide a diverse range of properties and sites to suit all budgets, with 40 more lots compared to our February auction last year.”

He added: “Over the past 12 months we have seen an increase in the number of buyers who are looking at auction for the first time.

“One of reasons we believe this is happening is due to the fact auctions offer a fully transparent method of sale where everyone has the same opportunity to bid.

“The auction platform provides full visibility of bids coming in, when the reserve is met, and ultimately the eventual sale price.

“This level of transparency is rarely found in sales and is the key reason why we are trusted by a wide variety of buyers and sellers alike.”

The former Hook & Parrott Inn at the coastal town of Seaton, Devon, along with three residential apartments, have planning permission for nine two-bedroom apartments over a restaurant, with undercroft car parking. The redevelopment site is guided at £1m-plus (lot 84).

With a £1m-plus guide price, there is a mixed-use development opportunity at Welling, South-East London; the approved planning scheme provides for a contemporary brand new residential apartment building with commercial retail/office space and “is considered to be of particular interest to major development organisations” (lot 9).


Let at £107,500 per annum, a landmark commercial premises in Petersfield, Hampshire, comprising four parts and called the Donkey Cart, a former farmhouse dating back to 1534, is guided at £900-950,000 (lot 57).

James said: “At the upper end of the guide price, based on the current income, the gross yield is an inflation-beating 11.3%.”

A property reputedly from the Napoleonic times, and believed to have been munitions stores, and comprising an array of underground rooms and tunnels which have, until recently, been tenanted and used as a motorbike and car repair business, is guided at £100-105,000. The doomed rooms are in Chatham, Kent (lot 13).

Ye Old Toll House at Newton Poppleford, Sidmouth, Devon, a one-bedroom property dating back to 1758, has a price guide of £70-80,000 (lot 3).


The auction ends on Wednesday, 8 February; bidding opens 48 hours beforehand.

More than 350,000 visitors viewed in excess of four million pages on Clive Emson Auctioneers’ digital bidding platform last year, with more than £160 million raised for clients.

