A defibrillator is now available in Poulner near Ringwood, Hants, thanks to the largesse of locals and the landlord of the London Tavern.
When the hostelry was broken into during lockdown a crowdfunding effort raised £1,500 so the pub could be made safe.
But thanks to QE Metalblast and Elite Fabrication, the repairs were carried out for nothing.
So Phil Hoyle, who has run the pub for three years, decided the money should be spent on the community – and he bought a defibrillator.
The life-saving device is now attached to the front of the pub in Linford Road where it is always available.
Phil said: “Everyone was so generous after we were broken into – and the repairs were caried out for nothing.
“It left us with around £1,500 so we thought a defibrillator would be a useful addition to the village.
“If there is an emergency locally then 999 operators know where the defibrillator is and have the access code.
“The lockdowns have brought the community closer together and we were pleased to play our part.
“Although we’ve bought the defibrillator, we hope it is never needed.”
Volunteer community first responder and pub regular Denis Hamm, said: “This is a fantastic asset for the community.
“They really do save lives – I’ve used them myself. In an emergency speed is crucial and the quicker a defibrillator can be brought to the patient the better the chances of survival.”
For more information contact Ed Baker at Deep South Media on 07788392965 or ed.baker@deepsouthmedia.co.uk