New trees create a buzz

St John's C of E First School's team of eco warriors join their school friends in planting fruit trees in the grounds of the school.

St John’s C of E First School’s team of eco warriors join their school friends in planting fruit trees in the grounds of the school.

Children at one Wimborne school were buzzing with excitement when they planted a new pollinating habitat.

St John’s First School is continuing to develop their school grounds to attract bees, an endangered species, and have planted four apple and pear trees. The school’s parents association, Friends, provided the funding and support for the planting.

Young eco-warriors from the School Council performed the honours of planting the trees with school Governor Paul Goldie and Mrs Selby Eco -leader.

Head of School, Katharine Anstey, said: “We want our children to know the importance of the bee to our ecology.

“They have been learning that because bees are pollinators they are vital to our food chain, and without them, one third of the food we eat would not be available.

“We felt as a school that we wanted to do our bit to help the bee survive and this year we’re creating our very own pollinating grounds to attract them.”

The trees are saplings and two of the species were chosen as they will grow to a child friendly height of five feet.

They have been planted next to the school’s greenhouse and the children are looking forward to seeing the trees grow just as they do.

In addition to the apple and pear trees that have just been planted, the school has also planted lavender bushes to attract bees and an expert on pollination will be coming into the school later in the year.

Bees are in danger of disappearing from the UK, according to The British Beekeepers Association.

They say farming practices continue to disturb the natural habitats and forage of bumblebees and at a rate which gives them little chance for re-establishment.

The honey bee is also under attack from the varroa mite and most colonies have died out as a result of this disease.

These risk factors have resulted in a ‘Bees in the Curriculum’ pack being produced for schools so younger generations are taught the value of bees and the threats to their existence.

The Eco-warriors said: “Bees are really helpful because they make yummy delicious honey and pollinate plants. We want more bees to come to our school and that’s why we are planting apple and pear trees in our school grounds.

“We are hoping that they will grow tall and produce lots of fruit for us and the bees!”


Note to editors: For more information please contact Rachel Read, account director at Deep South Media, on 01202 534487.