Hotels announce record breaking ‘Net a Duck’ event for charity

Bournemouth’s Cumberland and Marsham Court Hotels have come up with a totally quackers charity event.

On September 17, The Cumberland’s outdoor swimming pool will be filled with 950 rubber ducks – ready for the ‘World’s Biggest Net a Duck’ event.

Each duck will be numbered and will win whoever nets it a prize, ranging from a day out, to a family meal, an adrenaline experience and even a flat screen TV.

The afternoon event will be open to all and will also feature a children’s disco, a barbeque, face painting and a bar. With all money raised going to Macmillan Caring Locally and the Bournemouth Hospital Charity.

Kevin Wood, MD of Oceana Group, incorporating The Cumberland, said: “Myself and Rosie Wallace, the manager of the Marsham Court Hotel, decided to stage a charity event following the death of Rosie’s mum Jennie Deavin in April this year.

“Jennie was a much loved lady, a key figure in local hospitality and an outstanding charity supporter – and I think it’s safe to say she would have been tickled pink at the thought of all these ducks bobbing around in our pool for two such good causes.”

Rosie Wallace agreed: “Mum may have lost her life to cancer, but she was thinking of others right up until the end, including which charities would benefit from her funeral collection.”

She continued: “Like many people requiring end of life care, mum received a great deal of help from Macmillan Caring Locally and we are thrilled to be supporting them, along with the Cumberland’s chosen charity, the Bournemouth Hospital Charity.”

The Net a Duck event will take place on Sunday September 17, 2017, from 3pm-6pm at The Cumberland Hotel at 27 East Overcliff Drive, BH1 3AF.

It will cost £5 to net a duck and each duck will win a prize worth at least £5.

Rosie added: “We have approached Guinness World Records and registered our intention to attempt a world record for the number of people netting ducks in one day.

“Now all we need are as many people as possible to come along, raise some great money for charity, net some great prizes and maybe get us into the record books.”

Picture caption: OUT FOR A DUCK: The Cumberland’s Kevin ‘Gnome’ Wood attempts to net himself a duck, in the shape of Marsham Court general manager Rosie Wallace.

For media information please contact Debbie Granville at Deep South Media on: 07884 657782 or email: