The popular Dragon Palace Chinese restaurant in Christchurch has signed a new lease with landlords DWP Housing Partnership.
Conference brings Bournemouth and China closer together
New links with China could attract multi-million pound investments into Bournemouth and the local economy
East meets west for first China conference
Businesses are being urged to sign up for the first international conference of its kind being held in Dorset to open up trade with China. The inaugural ‘China: Embracing Innovation’ event is being held on August 29 with a day-long programme including sound practical advice about doing business in the world’s most populous country. Bournemouth Borough Council is sponsoring the … Read More
When east meets west
For one month 17 students from China will get to experience life in a British school, thanks to the hospitality of Bournemouth’s Avonbourne College. The school is welcoming the group of 13 and 14 year-olds who are coming all the way from a boarding high school in the Hubei province. During their stay the students will be following the timetable … Read More