A prime trade park on the South Coast has been acquired by a private property company, advised by property consultancy Vail Williams.
Alder Hills Trade Park in Barter Road, Poole, Dorset, comprises five units let to a range of businesses at a combined rental income of £240,000 per annum.
Surrey – the next industrial investment hotspot?
Industrial property landlords and developers are being urged to deliver more high-quality stock in Surrey to meet growing business demand, says a regional specialist.
New regional hire as propety consultancy Vail Williams’ business grows
Property consultancy Vail Williams has appointed a new surveyor in response to growing business demand.
Confidence returning to Thames Valley, Oxford and Surrey commercial property markets, says Vail Williams
Office market confidence is returning across the Thames Valley, Oxford and Surrey but a lack of new industrial supply remains a core issue for the commercial market.
Property firm reduces emissions by 42 per cent
Property consultancy Vail Williams has reduced its emissions by 42% since starting its journey towards net zero by 2030.
Work underway on £15 million new college centre
Work is now underway on site for a new Sussex and Surrey Institute of Technology (SSIoT) centre at Crawley College.
Expanding property firm promotes eleven
Expanding property consultancy Vail Williams has made a series of strategic promotions as business demand continues to grow.
Property firm Vail Williams reports best ever year
Property consultancy Vail Williams has reported its best ever year, with increased revenues of £18.3 million for 2022-23, up 5% over the previous financial year.
Brighton city centre HMO up for auction
A Brighton city centre house in multiple occupation (HMO) with a vacant basement flat is coming up for auction as an investment opportunity later this month.