Performers from an award-winning Hampshire dance school wowed residents of a Winchester care home with a vintage afternoon tea show. Twenty students from Winchester City Dance served up a mix of contemporary and ballet pieces in solo and group dances at Colten Care’s Abbotts Barton.
Flying start for Ethel Dares, the new wing-walking experience company
An aviation wing-walking experience start-up has landed at an innovation centre for 50 companies in Hampshire.
Following an introduction by Councillor Seán Woodward, leader of Fareham Borough Council, Ethel Dares (Aviation) signed up to a workshop at Fareham Innovation Centre which will double as a lounge for customers and guests, with live-streaming display screens.
Decks, clubs and rock’n’roll – Rendezvous@Sea
TMG is hitting the high seas with the world’s first 24/7 round-the-year rock’n’roll cruises featuring A-list entertainers