The Marsham Court Hotel goes dog friendly, Treacle is pictured with business development manager Jane Swift and managing director Rosie Wallace.
Bournemouth’s Marsham Court Hotel offers dog-friendly accommodation from the first time this month (January) and making sure it’s all up to scratch and bona fide is Treacle the Labrador.
Sixteen-month-old Treacle was the first to test the hotel’s new dog beds, blankets and even special doggy menu, which has been created by Head Chef Emil Donchev.
Rosie Wallace, Treacle’s owner and MD of the Marsham Court said: “From January 19 we will be offering six, dog friendly bedrooms, each catering for two small, or one medium dog.
“We know that many of our guests have dogs and would love to bring them to Bournemouth with them – indeed, we already have bookings in place after issuing our first e-shot about it.”
Research by American Express reveals that a quarter (27%) of UK dog owners expected to take their dogs on holiday during 2018, and spend £227 million on the privilege.
It has also been suggested that British hotels could increase their revenues by 30% by allowing dogs.
Rosie said: “As a pet owner myself I know what fun it is to take a dog with you on holiday.
“I also know that it can be seven times cheaper to take your dog than to leave it in kennels.
“As well as widening our guest offering, being dog friendly will hopefully help to attract visitors outside of our busy peak season and also boost bookings in our short breaks market,” she continued.
“And of course there are revenue generating opportunities from local residents who own dogs too.”
Guests with dogs will be given a comprehensive information pack detailing local, dog friendly attractions, restaurants and places to exercise their pets, including information on beach restrictions. Service providers including pet groomers will also be recommended.
Rosie said: “All of our dog friendly rooms are on the first floor, near to lifts and come complete with a range of equipment including a dog bed, blanket, water bowl, old towels, a ball thrower, an identity tag and night time collar light.
“The doggy menu has been created using balanced ingredients and includes a breakfast option of sausage and scrambled eggs and a dinner of chicken and rice.
“Each pet will also receive a doggy bag containing treats, a ball and waste bags.”
Treacle will also be the star of ‘Pause for Thought with Treacle’ – regular e-shots, keeping guests up to date on upcoming, dog friendly events and special offers.
The Marsham Court recently transformed its main restaurant and created eight new bedrooms, including more accessible rooms and inter-connecting, family rooms.
Rosie continued: “Dogs will be permitted in their rooms, in Reception, in the bar area, the Meyrick Lounge and on the terrace.
“The main restaurant remains out of bounds. But we are happy to serve guests dinner in the bar if they want to sit with their pets.”
An introductory offer between Jan 19 and the end of February means dogs can enjoy their stay for free (subject to availability). The standard fee will be £15 per dog, per night.
Media information: Debbie Granville at Deep South Media on 07884 657782 email: Debbie.granville@deepsouthmedia.co.uk