Can AI replace us? Computer says ‘no’

A blog by Deep South Media’s Ed Baker…

Will artificial intelligence result in there being no need for human writers? I don’t think so, at least not yet.

To create content for clients, Deep South Media’s writers need to know what questions to ask, we need to understand the audience, and we need to write in specific styles.

We have to relay complex messages in easy-to-understand sentences and avoid falling foul of the law. We like to be culturally aware and enjoy using references from songs, films and history to improve our prose.

We sometimes like to inject humour, whether that be in the form of puns, satire, irony or sarcasm.

Many of these things can’t be done by computer yet, so I think we’re safe for the time being. But just to be sure, I asked ChatGPT whether it is a threat to creative writers.

Here’s what it said:

ChatGPT, or similar language models, is generally not considered a threat to creative writers for several reasons:

Lack of Genuine Creativity: While language models like ChatGPT can generate text that appears creative, they do not possess true creativity or originality. They learn patterns from the data they are trained on and generate responses based on those patterns. They lack personal experiences, emotions, and the ability to think critically and independently.

Limited Context Understanding: Although language models have been trained on vast amounts of data, they may not fully understand the context or nuances of a particular topic or writing style. They may produce coherent-sounding text but lack depth, subtlety, and the ability to capture the human essence of creativity.

Originality and Unique Perspectives: Creative writing often involves providing unique perspectives, exploring new ideas, and pushing boundaries. Language models primarily rely on existing data and patterns, making it difficult for them to create truly original and groundbreaking content.

Emotional Connection: Creative writing aims to evoke emotions, establish connections with readers, and convey personal experiences. ChatGPT lacks the emotional intelligence and lived experiences that allow human writers to deeply engage readers and touch their hearts.

Iterative Process: Writing is often an iterative process that involves revising, editing, and refining drafts. Writers go through multiple iterations to improve their work. Language models generate text based on a single prompt without the ability to refine or improve upon their initial output.

Subjective Judgment: Evaluating the quality and creativity of written work is a subjective process. It involves the interpretation of emotions, ideas, and aesthetics, which are highly dependent on individual preferences and cultural contexts. Language models lack the ability to grasp these subjective aspects and adapt their writing accordingly.

While language models like ChatGPT have their applications and can assist writers in certain tasks, they are not perceived as a threat to the creativity, uniqueness, and human touch that skilled creative writers bring to their craft.


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