Go girls! Tasty treats raise funds for Dorset cancer charity

Piece of cake: Hilary Maxwell of GO Girls Support Group (third left) with (left to right) Ashika Reddy, Castle View’s Clinical Lead; Angela Moors, Colten Companion; Sue Goodwin, Activity Organiser, and volunteer Jess Larder.

Piece of cake: Hilary Maxwell of GO Girls Support Group (third left) with (left to right) Ashika Reddy, Castle View’s Clinical Lead; Angela Moors, Colten Companion; Sue Goodwin, Activity Organiser, and volunteer Jess Larder.

A Dorset cancer charity which is receiving support from across the UK has won the backing of a Poundbury care home.

Colten Care’s Castle View organised a tea party and cake sale to raise funds for the GO Girls Support Group.

Residents tucked in to a tasty selection of treats, including lemon drizzle, Victoria sponges, coffee and walnut cake and chocolate fancies, freshly baked by Colten Care’s chefs.

Castle View’s lounge was decked out in bunting for the party with recorded background music adding to the party atmosphere.

GO Girls Support Group, which has television producer Philippa Clunes, wife of actor Martin Clunes, as its patron, was launched in March 2015.

It was set up by Dorset County Hospital’s gynaecology nurse specialist Hilary Maxwell and patient Gill Harler to help women affected by gynaecological cancers.

A £165 cheque was presented to Hilary by Castle View’s Clinical Lead Ashika Reddy and Sue Goodwin, Activity Organiser.

Hilary said: “Gynaecological cancers have so far not received the same recognition as other cancers such as breast, bowel and prostate, yet there are, in some cases, shared genetic links.

“The GO Girls are determined to raise the profile of these diseases, to ensure monies are directed to finding treatments that improve survival rates and raise awareness for earlier diagnosis.”

The charity is hoping to raise £2 million by encouraging 200,000 people to donate £10. “That’s the equivalent of three cups of coffee so we very much hope people will feel able to support the appeal,” added Hilary.

Castle View’s Sue Goodwin said the tea party and cake sale had been a big success.

She added: “Everyone has been touched to a greater or lesser extent, by cancer and the GO Girls Support Group is a fantastic charity. We were pleased to do our bit in raising money for such a worthy cause.”

To find out more information about GO Girls Support Group, please visit the charity’s website at www.gogirlssupport.org


Note to Journalists: With more than 30 years’ experience, Colten Care is an award-winning family-owned care home company based in Lymington, Hampshire. It has 20 quality care homes covering Hampshire, Dorset, Sussex and Wiltshire and offers a range of services spanning residential, nursing and dementia care. Colten Care is determined to set the highest standards in all aspects of care of the older person. Colten Care is also committed to raising money for charitable causes. Residents in each home are encouraged to nominate a main charity to help every year, leaving scope for other organisations to be supported too. Activities organisers, social carers and other team members then enable residents to contribute directly in meaningful ways such as making arts and crafts to sell at fundraising fetes and suggesting ideas for sponsored quizzes. In 2015, Colten Care residents and team members raised nearly £32,000 for charity.

Media contact: Please contact Andrew Diprose, Director, Deep South Media, tel: 01202 534487 or email: andrew.diprose@deepsouthmedia.co.uk