Cyber worker finds cloud-based solution

Sian Roff of C3IA Solutions who leaped from a plane for charity

A mum of two leapt out of a small plane from more than two miles in the air for charity – despite suffering from vertigo.

Fearless Sian Roff spent 40 seconds freefalling before her parachute opened and descended to the ground, taking more than two minutes.

She was strapped to a Red Devil – one of the Paras’ freefall display team – who ensured a safe landing.

By overcoming her fear of heights, Sian and her group of jumpers who are all linked to the military helped raise more than £2,500.

The money was for the SBS Association, a charity that assists veterans from the special forces’ unit.

Sian, who works as a security controller for leading cyber security company C3IA Solutions based in Poole, Dorset, said: “I started suffering from vertigo after I had my children but I wanted to do the jump to raise money.

“I was strapped to an instructor so after that I didn’t have much choice and couldn’t back out.

“The plane took about two minutes to get to 12,000ft and we were above the cloud.

“We fell for about 40 seconds then went through the cloud and came out of it and the parachute opened.

“Oddly I didn’t suffer from vertigo, probably because I couldn’t see the ground when we jumped. The instructor had 6,000 jumps and I felt completely safe.

“It was brilliant and I enjoyed it so much I want to go and do it again.”

Sian, from Poole, Dorset, had one keen observer from the ground – her dad Matt Horan, a former Para himself.


For more information contact Ed Baker at Deep South Media on 01202 534487 or 07788392965