How British Girl Guides made a Charlie out of Hitler

A diary written by a girl guide in 1936 who went to Bavaria and met Hitler is being sold at auction at the Auction House of Bridport in Dorset. Here are the group having fun.

British Girl Guides having a jolly time in Nazi Germany

An astonishing diary of a Girl Guide who went on a youth hostelling trip to Germany in 1936 and met Hitler has emerged for sale.

The 100 typed pages read like an Enid Blyton children’s adventure book, but with a chilling undercurrent.

She described the Teutonic madman as looking like Charlie Chaplin, but said he was wonderful with the children and had a fascinating smile.

The account begins on July 24, 1936, with the words: “A party of us started from Victoria at 8:20 p.m. We were a very jolly crowd of all ages.”

The diary is titled ‘Bavaria and Austria Holiday’ and the visit took place after Hitler’s fame had reached a peak following the Berlin Olympic Games earlier that summer.

The group of 47 was divided into patrols given colours and the unnamed author states that her patrol called ‘Orange’ was led by a ‘Captain’ – Miss Wright.

She continued: “We consisted of Captain, her friend Miss Flood, Tubby (Olive Stokes) – so called because of her largeness – Marjorie Fricker, Betty Ainsworth, Ruth Adam and two girls from Wolverhampton and myself.”

The detailed account mainly describes the day-to-day events, but also records the sights and the geography.

However, five days after arriving on mainland Europe the writer tells how they met Hitler – who would soon bring war to the world and murder six million Jews.

A diary written by a girl guide in 1936 who went to Bavaria and met Hitler is being sold at auction at the Auction House of Bridport in Dorset. This shows the youth hostel where the group stayed.

This photo shows the youth hostel where the group stayed.

They were staying in the Bavarian Alps at Berchtesgaden close to where Hitler had his Eagle’s Nest lair.

A diary written by a girl guide in 1936 who went to Bavaria and met Hitler is being sold at auction at the Auction House of Bridport in Dorset. The girls meet the Hitler Youth. And this is possibly the author.

One of the girls, possibly the author, meets one of the Hitler Youth.

The Girl Guide, who also collected photos and mementoes of the trip, wrote: “At breakfast we were invited by the Hitler boys and girls to accompany them to see Hitler.

“We were very bucked and said we would.

“We marched up with the Youth Movement and it took us 2 ½ hours…

“When we arrived at his residence we were all like grease-spots and found that we had 4 hours to wait.

“However we possessed our souls in patience and waited. At last we entered his drive and then had to wait opposite Hitler for about ¼ hr. whilst the other people passed by.

“He is a little chap – rather like Charlie Chaplin with his toothbrush moustache – with a very fascinating smile.

“With children he is wonderful. He talks to them, accepts their posies and lets them stand by him while the people pass by saluting. He only had four Storm Troopers guarding him and it all seemed very informal.

“When we passed he smiled sweetly and saluted several times. One of the journalists nearby took our photographs and told Hitler who we were.”

A diary written by a girl guide in 1936 who went to Bavaria and met Hitler is being sold at auction at the Auction House of Bridport in Dorset. Here are some of the group larking about.

Here are some of the group larking about.


A diary written by a girl guide in 1936 who went to Bavaria and met Hitler is being sold at auction at the Auction House of Bridport in Dorset. This page is called 'On the way to Herr Hitler'.

This page is called ‘On the way to Herr Hitler’.


A diary written by a girl guide in 1936 who went to Bavaria and met Hitler is being sold at auction at the Auction House of Bridport in Dorset. This page shows two pics of 'The Fuhrer'.

This page shows two pics of ‘The Fuhrer’.

The trip concludes with a humorous description of a trip to Papa Teuber’s Schloss for a campfire and singsong. The girls returned to Blighty on August 8.

The diary is going under the hammer at the Bridport Auction Rooms in Dorset on September 30 and Mike Dark from the saleroom said: “This has been consigned by a collector.

“We don’t know the name of the girl who wrote it or where she was from. It appears those from the group came from across the country.

“It has also been corrected in pencil possibly by a teacher or Guide leader. For example, where the girl writes that Hitler only had four Storm Trooper guards, a pencil addition has been made that states ‘and two alsatian dogs’.

“The diary is a jolly account full of their japes and scrapes and of course their visit to see Hitler.

“They appeared to be quite taken with the dictator even if they did compare him with a professional clown.

“It’s interesting to wonder how those girls felt a few years later when that clown began a world war.”

The diary is being sold with an estimate of £200-300.

A diary written by a girl guide in 1936 who went to Bavaria and met Hitler is being sold at auction at the Auction House of Bridport in Dorset.

The opening page of the diary




For more information contact Ed Baker on 01202 534487 07788392965